Source code for dcar.bus

"""Connection to message bus."""

from .address import Address
from .const import DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_VALUE
from .errors import Error, TransportError
from .message import HeaderField, HeaderFields, HeaderFlag, Message, MessageType
from .router import Router
from .transports import check_for_known_transport, connect

__all__ = ['Bus']

[docs]class Bus: """Representation of a client's connection to a message bus. An instance of this class is the central point for a client to interact with a message bus. It can be used as a context manager. On entering the runtime context the :meth:`connect` method will be called, on exiting the :meth:`disconnect` method. :param address: same as for :class:`~dcar.address.Address` or an :class:`~dcar.address.Address` object :type address: str or Address """ def __init__(self, address='session'): self._router = Router(self) self._unique_name = None if isinstance(address, str): address = Address(address) check_for_known_transport(address) self._addr = address self._transport = None self._address = None @property def address(self): """Return the actual address the client is connected to.""" return self._address @property def bus_type(self): """Return the bus type: ``'system'``, ``'session'`` , or ``None``. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ return self._addr.bus_type @property def connected(self): """Return whether the client is connected.""" return self._transport.connected if self._transport else False @property def unique_name(self): """Return the unique name of the client's connection.""" return self._unique_name @property def guid(self): """Return the GUID of the server.""" return self._transport.guid if self._transport else None @property def unix_fds_enabled(self): """Return whether passing of unix file descriptors is enabled.""" return self._transport.unix_fds_enabled if self._transport else False @property def error(self): """Return transport error or ``None``. This error is set when the client loses the connection to the message bus because of this error. """ return self._transport.error if self._transport else None
[docs] def raise_on_error(self): """Re-raises the :attr:`error` or does nothing.""" if self._transport and self._transport.error: raise self._transport.error
def __enter__(self): self.connect() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.disconnect() return False
[docs] def connect(self): """Connect to message bus. :raises ~dcar.AuthenticationError: if authentication failed :raises OSError: if connection failed """ if self.connected: return self._transport, self._address = connect(self._addr, self._router) self._transport.authenticate() self._transport.start_loops() reply = self.method_call('/org/freedesktop/DBus', 'org.freedesktop.DBus', 'Hello', 'org.freedesktop.DBus') self._unique_name = reply[0]
[docs] def disconnect(self): """Disconnect the client.""" if self.connected: self._transport.disconnect()
[docs] def block(self, timeout=None): """Blocks until ``send-loop`` and ``recv-loop``\ are finished or timeout is reached. The ``send-loop`` and ``recv-loop`` threads are started when connecting to the D-Bus. :param float timeout: timeout value in seconds (``None`` means no timeout) .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Add parameter ``timeout`` """ if self._transport: self._transport.block(timeout)
[docs] def send_message(self, msg, timeout=None): """Send a message. Normally :meth:`method_call`, :meth:`method_return`, :meth:`send_error` or :meth:`emit_signal` should be used. :param Message msg: the message :param float timeout: ``None`` = no timeout, ``0`` = no reply expected and ``> 0`` = timeout in seconds :returns: return values of the message call if a reply is expected else ``None`` :rtype: tuple or None :raises ~dcar.TransportError: if the message could not be sent """ if not self.connected: raise TransportError('not connected') if timeout == 0.0: msg.flags |= HeaderFlag.NO_REPLY_EXPECTED return self._router.outgoing(msg, timeout)
[docs] def method_call(self, object_path, interface, method_name, destination, *, sender=None, signature=None, args=(), timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_VALUE, no_auto_start=False, allow_interactive_authorization=False): """Send a message of type METHOD_CALL. :param str object_path: object path (required) :param str interface: interface name :param str method_name: method name (required) :param str destination: name of the destination's connection :param str sender: name of the sender's connection :param str signature: D-Bus types signature of the IN arguments :param tuple args: the IN arguments :param float timeout: ``None`` = no timeout, ``0`` = no reply expected and ``> 0`` = timeout in seconds :param bool no_auto_start: header flag :param bool allow_interactive_authorization: header flag :returns: return values of the method call if a reply is expected else ``None`` :rtype: tuple or None :raises ~dcar.TransportError: if the message could not be sent """ header_fields = HeaderFields() header_fields[HeaderField.PATH] = object_path header_fields[HeaderField.INTERFACE] = interface header_fields[HeaderField.MEMBER] = method_name header_fields[HeaderField.DESTINATION] = destination header_fields[HeaderField.SENDER] = sender header_fields[HeaderField.SIGNATURE] = signature flags = HeaderFlag.NONE if no_auto_start: flags |= HeaderFlag.NO_AUTO_START if allow_interactive_authorization: flags |= HeaderFlag.ALLOW_INTERACTIVE_AUTHORIZATION msg = Message(MessageType.METHOD_CALL, flags, header_fields, args) return self.send_message(msg, timeout)
[docs] def method_return(self, reply_serial, destination, *, sender=None, signature=None, args=()): """Send a message of type METHOD_RETURN. :param int reply_serial: serial of the message for which this is a reply (required) :param str destination: name of the destination's connection :param str sender: name of the sender's connection :param str signature: D-Bus types signature of the OUT arguments of the called method :param tuple args: the OUT arguments of the called method :raises ~dcar.TransportError: if the message could not be sent """ header_fields = HeaderFields() header_fields[HeaderField.REPLY_SERIAL] = reply_serial header_fields[HeaderField.DESTINATION] = destination header_fields[HeaderField.SENDER] = sender header_fields[HeaderField.SIGNATURE] = signature msg = Message(MessageType.METHOD_RETURN, HeaderFlag.NONE, header_fields, args) return self.send_message(msg)
[docs] def send_error(self, error_name, reply_serial, destination, *, sender=None, signature=None, args=()): """Send a message of type ERROR. :param str error_name: error name (required) :param int reply_serial: serial of the message for which this is a reply (required) :param str destination: name of the destination's connection :param str sender: name of the sender's connection :param str signature: D-Bus types signature of the arguments :param tuple args: the arguments :raises ~dcar.TransportError: if the message could not be sent """ header_fields = HeaderFields() header_fields[HeaderField.ERROR_NAME] = error_name header_fields[HeaderField.REPLY_SERIAL] = reply_serial header_fields[HeaderField.DESTINATION] = destination header_fields[HeaderField.SENDER] = sender header_fields[HeaderField.SIGNATURE] = signature msg = Message(MessageType.ERROR, HeaderFlag.NONE, header_fields, args) return self.send_message(msg)
[docs] def emit_signal(self, object_path, interface, signal_name, destination=None, *, sender=None, signature=None, args=()): """Send a message of type SIGNAL. :param str object_path: object path (required) :param str interface: interface name (required) :param str signal_name: signal name (required) :param str destination: name of the destination's connection :param str sender: name of the sender's connection :param str signature: D-Bus types signature of the arguments :param tuple args: the arguments :raises ~dcar.TransportError: if the message could not be sent """ header_fields = HeaderFields() header_fields[HeaderField.PATH] = object_path header_fields[HeaderField.INTERFACE] = interface header_fields[HeaderField.MEMBER] = signal_name header_fields[HeaderField.DESTINATION] = destination header_fields[HeaderField.SENDER] = sender header_fields[HeaderField.SIGNATURE] = signature msg = Message(MessageType.SIGNAL, HeaderFlag.NONE, header_fields, args) return self.send_message(msg)
[docs] def register_signal(self, rule, handler, unicast=False, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_VALUE): """Register a signal. The handler function must take one parameter: a :class:`~dcar.message.MessageInfo` object. .. note:: The handler functions for incoming method calls and signals will be executed in a separate thread sequentially. :param ~dcar.MatchRule rule: the match rule :param callable handler: handler function for the signal :param bool unicast: if ``True`` this rule applies to a unicast signal and no *AddMatch* message will be sent to the message bus :param float timeout: timeout in seconds :return: ID of the signal :rtype: int :raises ~dcar.RegisterError: if the signal could not be registered :raises ~dcar.TransportError: if the *AddMatch* message could not be sent """ reg_id = self._router.signals.add(rule, handler, unicast) if not unicast: try: self.method_call('/org/freedesktop/DBus', 'org.freedesktop.DBus', 'AddMatch', 'org.freedesktop.DBus', signature='s', args=(str(rule),), timeout=timeout) except Error: self._router.signals.remove(reg_id) raise return reg_id
[docs] def unregister_signal(self, reg_id, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_VALUE): """Unregister a signal. :param int reg_id: ID returned by :meth:`register_signal` :param float timeout: timeout in seconds :raises ~dcar.TransportError: if RemoveMatch message could not be sent """ rule = self._router.signals.remove(reg_id) if rule: self.method_call('/org/freedesktop/DBus', 'org.freedesktop.DBus', 'RemoveMatch', 'org.freedesktop.DBus', signature='s', args=(str(rule),), timeout=timeout)
[docs] def register_method(self, object_path, interface, method_name, handler, signature=None): """Register a method. The handler function must take two parameters: a :class:`Bus` object and a :class:`~dcar.message.MessageInfo` object. .. note:: The handler functions for incoming method calls and signals will be executed in a separate thread sequentially. :param str object_path: object path :param str interface: interface name :param str method_name: method name :param str signature: D-Bus type signatures of the arguments :return: ID of the method :rtype: int :raises ~dcar.RegisterError: if the method could not be registered """ return self._router.methods.add((object_path, interface, method_name), handler, signature)
[docs] def unregister_method(self, meth_id): """Unregister a method. :param int meth_id: ID returned by :meth:`register_method` """ self._router.methods.remove(meth_id)