Source code for dcar.remote

"""Remote module.

.. versionadded:: 0.3.0

from contextlib import suppress

from .bus import Bus
from .router import MatchRule
from .const import DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_VALUE
from .introspection import Data, Method, Property, Signal
from .validate import validate_bus_name, validate_object_path

__all__ = [

[docs]class RemoteObject: """An instance of this class is a proxy for an object on the D-Bus. Methods, signals, and properties can be accessed as attributes with the same names as on the D-Bus. If a name occurs in more than one interface, only one method, signal, or property can be accessed as an attribute. To access the shadowed names subscription syntax must be used: ``obj['interface name', 'member name']``. Calling methods and accessing properties (depending on the `access` attribute) is done in the normal way: * ``obj.SomeMethod()`` (returns a single value, a tuple or ``None``) * ``obj.SomeProperty`` (only with `read` access) * ``obj.SomeProperty = value`` (only with `write` access) Signal handlers can be set by assigning a function that takes a :class:`~dcar.message.MessageInfo` object as its only argument: ``obj.SomeSignal = function``. The handler can be removed by assigning ``None``. See also: :ref:`ref-types-table` :param dcar.Bus bus: a connected bus object :param str name: bus name :param str path: object path :param str xml: introspection data (will be loaded from D-Bus if ``None``) :raises RuntimeError: if ``bus`` is not a connected :class:`dcar.Bus` object :raises ~dcar.ValidationError: if ``name`` or ``path`` are not valid """ def __init__(self, bus, name, path, xml=None): if not isinstance(bus, Bus) or not bus.connected: raise RuntimeError('bus must be a connected dcar.Bus object') self._bus = bus self._name = validate_bus_name(name) self._path = validate_object_path(path) self._data = Data(bus, name, path, xml) self._signal_ids = {} self._props_cache = {} @property def xml(self): """Return XML data.""" return self._data.xml def __getattr__(self, name): with suppress(KeyError): if '_data' in self.__dict__: return self._get(name) raise AttributeError( f'{self.__class__.__name__!r} object has no attribute {name!r}') def __setattr__(self, name, value): with suppress(KeyError): if '_data' in self.__dict__: self._set(name, value) return super().__setattr__(name, value) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._get(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._set(key, value) def _get(self, key): member = self._data[key] if isinstance(member, Method): return self._method(member) elif isinstance(member, Property): return self._getprop(member) elif isinstance(member, Signal): raise NotImplementedError('Getting signals is not allowed') def _set(self, key, value): member = self._data[key] if isinstance(member, Method): raise NotImplementedError('Setting methods is not allowed') elif isinstance(member, Property): self._setprop(member, value) elif isinstance(member, Signal): self._signal(member, value) def _method(self, method): def m(*args): reply = self._bus.method_call( self._path, method.interface,, self._name, signature=method.in_signature, args=args, timeout=0.0 if method.no_reply else DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_VALUE) if not reply: return None if len(reply) == 1: return reply[0] return reply return m def _getprop(self, prop): if prop in self._props_cache: return self._props_cache[prop] reply = self._bus.method_call( self._path, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties', 'Get', self._name, signature='ss', args=(prop.interface, if prop.changed_signal == 'const': self._props_cache[prop] = reply[0] return reply[0] def _setprop(self, prop, value): self._bus.method_call( self._path, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties', 'Set', self._name, signature='ssv', args=(prop.interface,, (prop.signature, value))) def _signal(self, signal, func): if func is None: if signal in self._signal_ids: self._bus.unregister_signal(self._signal_ids[signal]) del self._signal_ids[signal] else: self._signal_ids[signal] = self._bus.register_signal( MatchRule(self._path, signal.interface,, func)
[docs]class DBus(RemoteObject): """Convenience subclass of :class:`RemoteObject`. Parameters: * name = 'org.freedesktop.DBus' * path = '/org/freedesktop/DBus' See: Section `Message Bus Messages < dbus-specification.html#message-bus-messages>`_ in the D-Bus specification. """ def __init__(self, bus): super().__init__(bus, 'org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus')
[docs]class Notifications(RemoteObject): """Convenience subclass of :class:`RemoteObject`. Parameters: * name = 'org.freedesktop.Notifications' * path = '/org/freedesktop/Notifications' See: `Desktop Notifications Specification <>`_ and `Kitsiso <>`_. """ def __init__(self, bus): super().__init__(bus, 'org.freedesktop.Notifications', '/org/freedesktop/Notifications')
[docs]class PowerManagement(RemoteObject): """Convenience subclass of :class:`RemoteObject`. Parameters: * name = 'org.freedesktop.PowerManagement' * path = '/org/freedesktop/PowerManagement' """ def __init__(self, bus): super().__init__(bus, 'org.freedesktop.PowerManagement', '/org/freedesktop/PowerManagement') self.Inhibit = RemoteObject(bus, self._name, f'{self._path}/Inhibit')
[docs]class Login1(RemoteObject): """Convenience subclass of :class:`RemoteObject`. Parameters: * name = 'org.freedesktop.login1' * path = '/org/freedesktop/login1' See: Section `The Manager Object <>`_ in the logind documentation. """ def __init__(self, bus): super().__init__(bus, 'org.freedesktop.login1', '/org/freedesktop/login1')