Source code for dcar.router

"""Message routing."""

import inspect
import logging
from contextlib import suppress
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, astuple
from functools import partial
from queue import SimpleQueue
from threading import Condition, Lock, Thread

from . import validate
from .errors import (Error, TransportError, RegisterError,
                     TooLongError, DBusError)
from .message import HeaderField, MessageType

__all__ = ['Router', 'MatchRule']

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    partial(validate.validate_bus_name, unique=True),
    partial(validate.validate_bus_name, strict=False),

[docs]class Router: """Class for routing in- and outgoing messages.""" def __init__(self, bus): self._cv = Condition() self._replies = {} self.signals = Signals() self.methods = Methods() self.out_queue = SimpleQueue() self._handler_queue = SimpleQueue() self._handler_thread = Thread(target=self._handle, daemon=True) self._handler_thread.start() self._bus = bus def _check_replies(self, serial): if self._bus.connected: return self._replies[serial] is not None else: if self._bus.error: return self._bus.error return TransportError('disconnected')
[docs] def outgoing(self, msg, timeout): """Handle outgoing messages. :param ~dcar.message.Message msg: the message :param float timeout: timeout in seconds :returns: return values of a message call if a reply is expected or ``None`` :rtype: tuple or None :raises ~dcar.TransportError: if the message could not be sent :raises ~dcar.MessageError: if the message could not be marshalled """ msg_bytes, unix_fds = msg.to_bytes() _logger.debug('\n-> %s', msg) if unix_fds and not self._bus.unix_fds_enabled: raise TransportError('unix fds passing not supported') self.out_queue.put((msg_bytes, unix_fds)) if msg.reply_expected: with self._cv: self._replies[msg.serial] = None result = self._cv.wait_for(partial(self._check_replies, msg.serial), timeout) if result: if isinstance(result, Error): raise result reply = self._replies.pop(msg.serial) reply.raise_on_error() return reply.body else: del self._replies[msg.serial] raise TransportError('Timeout: %f secs.' % timeout) else: return None
[docs] def incoming(self, msg): """Handle incoming messages. :param ~dcar.message.Message msg: the message """ _logger.debug('\n<- %s', msg) if msg is None: # transport disconnected with self._cv: self.out_queue.put((None, None)) # unblock send-loop self._handler_queue.put((None, None)) self._cv.notify_all() return if msg.message_type is MessageType.INVALID: return # ignore unknown message types if msg.message_type in (MessageType.METHOD_RETURN, MessageType.ERROR): with self._cv: if msg.reply_serial in self._replies: self._replies[msg.reply_serial] = msg self._cv.notify_all() elif msg.message_type is MessageType.METHOD_CALL: try: method = self._find_method(msg) self._handler_queue.put((method, except DBusError as ex: self._send_error(ex,, elif msg.message_type is MessageType.SIGNAL: for handler in self.signals.matches(msg, self._bus.unique_name): self._handler_queue.put((handler,
def _handle(self): while True: func, info = self._handler_queue.get() if func is None: break if info.is_signal: func(info) else: try: func(self._bus, info) except DBusError as ex: self._send_error(ex, info.serial, info.sender) def _find_method(self, msg): method, signature = self.methods.find(msg) if not method: raise DBusError('org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod', 'Method %r not found in interface %r ' 'on object path %r' % (msg.fields[HeaderField.MEMBER], msg.fields[HeaderField.INTERFACE], msg.fields[HeaderField.PATH])) if not (not signature and not msg.fields[HeaderField.SIGNATURE] or signature == msg.fields[HeaderField.SIGNATURE]): raise DBusError('org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs', 'the message signature "%s" is not the ' 'expected "%s"' % (msg.fields[HeaderField.SIGNATURE] or '', signature or '')) return method def _send_error(self, ex, serial, destination): self._bus.send_error(ex.args[0], serial, destination, signature='s', args=ex.args[1:])
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class MatchRule: """Match rule for signals. All parameters are explained in the `D-Bus specification < #message-bus-routing-match-rules>`_. """ object_path: str = None interface: str = None signal_name: str = None sender: str = None path_namespace: str = None destination: str = None arg0namespace: str = None args: dict = field(init=False, default_factory=dict) argpaths: dict = field(init=False, default_factory=dict)
[docs] def add_arg(self, idx, arg): """Add an arg match at idx.""" _check_index_and_type(idx, arg) self.args[idx] = arg self._check_length()
[docs] def add_argpath(self, idx, argpath): """Add an argpath match at idx.""" _check_index_and_type(idx, argpath) self.argpaths[idx] = argpath self._check_length()
def __post_init__(self): for value, validator in zip(astuple(self), MATCH_RULE_VALIDATORS): if value is not None: validator(value) self._check_length() def _check_length(self): if len(str(self)) > MAX_MATCH_RULE_LEN: raise TooLongError('match rule too long: %d bytes' % len(str(self))) def __str__(self): lst = ["%s='%s'" % (name, value) for name, value in zip( ['type', 'sender', 'interface', 'member', 'path', 'path_namespace', 'destination', 'arg0namespace'], ['signal', self.sender, self.interface, self.signal_name, self.object_path, self.path_namespace, self.destination, self.arg0namespace]) if value] if self.args: lst.extend(["arg%d='%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in self.args.items()]) if self.argpaths: lst.extend(["arg%dpath='%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in self.argpaths.items()]) return ','.join(lst)
def _check_index_and_type(idx, arg): if idx < 0 or idx > MAX_MATCH_RULE_ARG_NUM: raise IndexError('index %d out of range 0..%d' % (idx, MAX_MATCH_RULE_ARG_NUM)) if not isinstance(arg, str): raise TypeError('arg must be type str, not %s' % arg.__class__.__name__)
[docs]class Registry: """Base class for registries.""" def __init__(self): self._counter = 0 self._lock = Lock() self._data = {}
[docs] def add(self, item, handler, *args): """Add an item. :param item: depends on type of registry subclass :param callable handler: handler function :param args: additional arguments """ self._check_handler(handler) with self._lock: return self._add(item, handler, *args)
def _add(self, item, handler, *args): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def remove(self, item_id): """Remove an item with ID ``item_id``.""" with self._lock: return self._remove(item_id)
def _remove(self, item_id): raise NotImplementedError def _check_handler(self, handler): if not callable(handler): raise TypeError('handler must be callable') sig = inspect.signature(handler) if len(sig.parameters) != len(self.__class__.params): raise TypeError('handler must have %d parameter(s): %r' % (len(self.__class__.params), ', '.join(self.__class__.params)))
[docs]class Signals(Registry): """Signals registry. An ``item`` for this type's :meth:`~Registry.add` method is a :class:`MatchRule` (see also: :meth:`~dcar.Bus.register_signal`). """ params = ('msginfo',) #: handler parameters def _add(self, rule, handler, unicast): if not isinstance(rule, MatchRule): raise TypeError('first argument must be a MatchRule') if (rule, handler, unicast) in self._data.values(): raise RegisterError('rule %r exists with same handler %r' % (str(rule), handler)) self._counter += 1 self._data[self._counter] = (rule, handler, unicast) return self._counter def _remove(self, rule_id): with suppress(KeyError): rule, _, _ = self._data[rule_id] del self._data[rule_id] return rule
[docs] def matches(self, msg, unique_name): """Match a SIGNAL message to a rule. This function is a generator which yields the handler function for each matching rule. """ fields = msg.fields object_path = fields[HeaderField.PATH] interface = fields[HeaderField.INTERFACE] signal_name = fields[HeaderField.MEMBER] sender = fields[HeaderField.SENDER] destination = fields[HeaderField.DESTINATION] with self._lock: for rule, handler, unicast in self._data.values(): if unicast: rule_destination = unique_name else: rule_destination = rule.destination if all(((rule.object_path is None or rule.object_path == object_path), rule.interface is None or rule.interface == interface, (rule.signal_name is None or rule.signal_name == signal_name), rule.sender is None or rule.sender == sender, (rule_destination is None or rule_destination == destination), (rule.path_namespace is None or rule.path_namespace == object_path or object_path.startswith(rule.path_namespace + '/')), (rule.arg0namespace is None or msg.body and isinstance(msg.body[0], str) and (rule.arg0namespace == msg.body[0] or msg.body[0].startswith(rule.arg0namespace + '.'))), not rule.args or self._match_args(rule.args, msg.body), (not rule.argpaths or self._match_argpaths(rule.argpaths, msg.body)))): yield handler
def _match_args(self, args, body): if not body or len(body) - 1 < max(args): return False for idx in args: if not isinstance(body[idx], str) or args[idx] != body[idx]: return False return True def _match_argpaths(self, argpaths, body): if not body or len(body) - 1 < max(argpaths): return False for idx in argpaths: if not isinstance(body[idx], str): return False if argpaths[idx] == body[idx]: continue if (argpaths[idx].endswith('/') and body[idx].startswith(argpaths[idx]) or body[idx].endswith('/') and argpaths[idx].startswith(body[idx])): continue return False return True
[docs]class Methods(Registry): """Methods registry. An ``item`` for this type's :meth:`~Registry.add` method is a tuple ``(object_path, interface, method_name)`` (see also: :meth:`~dcar.Bus.register_method`). """ params = ('bus', 'msginfo') #: handler parameters def _add(self, tup, handler, signature): if len(tup) != 3 or not (all(tup) and handler): raise RegisterError('invalid arguments: %r, %r' % (tup, handler)) if tup in self._data: raise RegisterError('a handler for method %r in interface %r ' 'on object %r already exists' % tup) self._counter += 1 self._data[tup] = (self._counter, handler, signature) return self._counter def _remove(self, meth_id): with suppress(KeyError, IndexError): tup = list(filter(lambda x: self._data[x][0] == meth_id, self._data))[0] del self._data[tup]
[docs] def find(self, msg): """Return handler function and signature for a METHOD_CALL message.""" fields = msg.fields object_path = fields[HeaderField.PATH] interface = fields[HeaderField.INTERFACE] method_name = fields[HeaderField.MEMBER] with self._lock: if interface: if (object_path, interface, method_name) in self._data: return self._data[(object_path, interface, method_name)][1:] else: for t in self._data: if t[0] == object_path and t[2] == method_name: return self._data[t][1:] return None, None