Source code for dcar.signature

"""D-Bus type signature."""

from collections import Counter

from . import marshal
from .errors import SignatureError

__all__ = ['Signature']

[docs]class Signature: """A signature. The signature string will be parsed into a list of complete types. Each complete type is a tuple with the fist element being its signature. The second element is ``None`` for all basic (i.e. fixed and string-like) types, an empty list for variants, and a list of complete types for arrays, structs, and dict entries. A :class:`Signature` object can be used as an iterator which yields tuples of complete types. :param str sig: D-Bus type signature :raises ~dcar.SignatureError: if there is a problem with the signature """ def __init__(self, sig): if not isinstance(sig, str): raise SignatureError('must be of type str, not %s' % sig.__class__.__name__) if len(sig) > MAX_SIGNATURE_LEN: raise SignatureError('too long: %d > %d' % (len(sig), MAX_SIGNATURE_LEN)) self._string = sig counter = Counter() self._data = _parse_signature(list(sig), counter) if counter['r'] or counter['e']: raise SignatureError('unclosed: struct %d, dict entry %d' % (counter['r'], counter['e'])) def __len__(self): return len(self._data) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._data) def __str__(self): return self._string def __repr__(self): return repr(self._data)
def _parse_signature(sig, counter, container=None): if counter['a'] > MAX_NESTING_DEPTH or counter['r'] > MAX_NESTING_DEPTH: raise SignatureError('depth: array %d, struct %d' % (counter['a'], counter['r'])) ct_lst = [] # list of complete types while sig: token = sig.pop(0) if token == '(': counter['r'] += 1 lst = _parse_signature(sig, counter, 'r') if not lst: raise SignatureError('struct must have at least 1 element') ct_lst.append(('r', lst)) elif token == '{': if container != 'a': raise SignatureError('dict entry outside array') counter['e'] += 1 lst = _parse_signature(sig, counter, 'e') if len(lst) != 2: raise SignatureError('dict entry must have 2 elements') if lst[0][1] is not None: raise SignatureError('dict entry key must be basic type') ct_lst.append(('e', lst)) elif token == 'a': counter['a'] += 1 lst = _parse_signature(sig, counter, 'a') if not lst: raise SignatureError('array without element type') ct_lst.append((token, lst)) elif token == 'v': ct_lst.append((token, [])) elif token in marshal.type_codes: ct_lst.append((token, None)) elif container == 'r' and token == ')': counter['r'] -= 1 break elif container == 'e' and token == '}': counter['e'] -= 1 break else: raise SignatureError('unexpected token: %r (%r %r)' % (token, sig, ct_lst)) if container == 'a': counter['a'] -= 1 break return ct_lst