Source code for salmagundi.strings

"""Utilities for working with strings.

.. versionadded:: 0.2.0

import configparser
import math
import re
import string
import unicodedata
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import timedelta
from functools import lru_cache

from wcwidth import wcswidth

from .utils import check_type

           'Prefix', 'TranslationTable', 'bin_prefix', 'dec_prefix',
           'find_bin_prefix', 'find_dec_prefix', 'format_bin_prefix',
           'format_dec_prefix', 'format_timedelta', 'insert_separator',
           'int2str', 'is_hexdigit', 'parse_timedelta', 'purge', 'shorten',
           'slugify', 'split_host_port', 'str2bool', 'str2port', 'str2tuple',
           'walign', 'wlen', 'wshorten']

BOOLEAN_STATES = configparser.ConfigParser.BOOLEAN_STATES.copy()
"""Dictionary with mappings from strings to boolean values.

Used by the function :func:`str2bool`.

This dictionary can be modified. The default values are:
    * ``True``: ``'1', 'yes', 'true', 'on'``
    * ``False``: ``'0', 'no', 'false', 'off'``

These are the same as in :attr:`configparser.ConfigParser.BOOLEAN_STATES`.

[docs]def str2bool(s): """Convert a string to a boolean value. The string is converted to lowercase before looked up in the :data:`BOOLEAN_STATES` dictionary. :param str s: the string :return: a boolean value :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the string is not in :data:`BOOLEAN_STATES` """ try: return BOOLEAN_STATES[s.lower()] except KeyError: raise ValueError('not a boolean: %s' % s)
[docs]def str2tuple(s, sep=',', converter=None, *, maxsplit=-1): """Convert a string to a tuple. If ``converter`` is given and not ``None``, it must be a callable that takes a string parameter and returns an object of the required type, or else a tuple with string elements will be returned. >>> str2tuple('1, 2, 3,4', converter=int) (1, 2, 3, 4) >>> str2tuple('on, off, no, true, YES') ('on', 'off', 'no', 'true', 'YES') >>> str2tuple('on, off, no, true, YES', converter=str2bool) (True, False, False, True, True) >>> str2tuple('a, b, , d') ('a', 'b', '', 'd') :param str s: the string :param str sep: the separator (whitespace around ``sep`` will be ignored) :param converter: the converter function :type converter: callable(str) :param int maxsplit: max. number of splits (-1 means no limit) :return: tuple with elements of the required type :rtype: tuple .. versionchanged:: 0.14.0 Add parameter ``maxsplit`` """ if s: f = converter or str return tuple(f(x.strip()) for x in s.split(sep, maxsplit)) return ()
[docs]def str2port(s): """Convert a string to a network port number. :param str s: the string to convert :return: port number :rtype: int :raises ValueError: if ``s`` cannot be converted to a number in [0..65535] .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ port = int(s) if 0 <= port <= 65535: return port raise ValueError('not a valid port number: %d' % port)
[docs]def split_host_port(s, port=None): """Split a string into host and port. >>> split_host_port('', 21) ('', 42) >>> split_host_port('', 21) ('', 21) :param str s: the string to split :param int port: port that is used if there is none in the string :return: host and port number :rtype: str, int :raises ValueError: if ``port`` or the port number in ``s`` are not in [0..65535] or neither of them is given .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ if port is not None and not (0 <= port <= 65535): raise ValueError('not a valid port number: %d' % port) a = s.split(':', 1) if len(a) == 1: if port is None: raise ValueError('no port in parameter and default port is None') return a[0], port else: return a[0], str2port(a[1])
[docs]def insert_separator(s, sep, group_size, reverse=False): """Insert separators in a string. >>> insert_separator('008041aefd7e', ':', 2) 00:80:41:ae:fd:7e >>> insert_separator('aaabbbcccd', ':', 3) 'aaa:bbb:ccc:d' >>> insert_separator('aaabbbcccd', ':', 3, True) 'a:aab:bbc:ccd' >>> insert_separator('9783161484100', '-', (3, 1, 2, 6)) '978-3-16-148410-0' :param str s: the string :param str sep: the separator character(s) :param group_size: the size of each group :type group_size: int or sequence of ints :param bool reverse: if ``True`` group from right to left instead from left to right :return: string with separators :rtype: str :raises ValueError: if ``group_size < 1`` .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 Add parameter ``reverse`` .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Groups can be of different sizes """ if reverse: s = s[::-1] if isinstance(group_size, int): if group_size < 1: raise ValueError('group_size must be >= 1') r = [s[i:i + group_size] for i in range(0, len(s), group_size)] else: if not all(map(lambda x: x > 0, group_size)): raise ValueError('group_size must be >= 1') r = [] idx = 0 for size in group_size: x = s[idx:idx + size] if x: r.append(x) else: break idx += size else: if idx < len(s): r.append(s[idx:]) if reverse: return sep.join(r)[::-1] else: return sep.join(r)
[docs]def purge(s, chars=None, negate=False): """Purge characters from a string. Each character in ``chars`` will be eliminated from the string. If ``chars=None`` or ``chars=''`` all consecutive whitespace are replaced by a single space. if ``negate=True`` all characters **not** in chars will be purged (only applies when ``chars`` is at least one character) >>> purge('00:80:41:ae:fd:7e', ':') 008041aefd7e :param str s: the string :param str chars: the characters :param bool negate: see above :return: the purged string :rtype: str .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ if chars: if negate: return ''.join(c for c in s if c in chars) return ''.join(c for c in s if c not in chars) return re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', s)
[docs]def shorten(text, width=80, placeholder='…', pos='right'): """Shorten the text to fit in the given width. If ``len(text) <= width`` the ``text`` is returned unchanged. >>> text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet' >>> shorten(text, width=15) 'Lorem ipsum do…' >>> shorten(text, width=15, placeholder=' ... ', pos='middle') 'Lorem ... amet' >>> shorten(text, width=15, pos='left') '…dolor sit amet' :param str text: the text :param int width: the width :param str placeholder: the placeholder :param str pos: position (``'left', 'middle', 'right'``) of placeholder in text :return: the shortened text :rtype: str :raises ValueError: if ``width < len(placeholder)`` or ``pos`` is unknown """ if width < len(placeholder): raise ValueError('width must be >= len(placeholder)') if pos not in ('left', 'right', 'middle'): raise ValueError('unknown pos: %s' % pos) if len(text) <= width: return text if pos == 'right': return text[:width - len(placeholder)] + placeholder elif pos == 'left': return placeholder + text[len(text) - width + len(placeholder):] else: p1 = math.ceil((width - len(placeholder)) / 2) p2 = width - p1 - len(placeholder) return text[:p1] + placeholder + (text[-p2:] if p2 else '')
Prefix = namedtuple('Prefix', 'name, symbol, factor') Prefix.__doc__ = """\ Class for prefixes with fields ``name, symbol, factor``. Used by the ``*_prefix()`` functions. """ NO_PREFIX = Prefix('', '', 1) #: No prefix BINARY_PREFIXES = [ Prefix('yobi', 'Yi', 2**80), Prefix('zebi', 'Zi', 2**70), Prefix('exbi', 'Ei', 2**60), Prefix('pebi', 'Pi', 2**50), Prefix('tebi', 'Ti', 2**40), Prefix('gibi', 'Gi', 2**30), Prefix('mebi', 'Mi', 2**20), Prefix('kibi', 'Ki', 2**10), NO_PREFIX ] r"""List with binary prefixes. The entries in this list are of type :class:`Prefix`. ===== ====== ====== Name Symbol Factor ===== ====== ====== yobi Yi 2\ :sup:`80` zebi Zi 2\ :sup:`70` exbi Ei 2\ :sup:`60` pebi Pi 2\ :sup:`50` tebi Ti 2\ :sup:`40` gibi Gi 2\ :sup:`30` mebi Mi 2\ :sup:`20` kibi Ki 2\ :sup:`10` \ 1 ===== ====== ====== """ DECIMAL_PREFIXES = [ Prefix('yotta', 'Y', 10**24), Prefix('zetta', 'Z', 10**21), Prefix('exa', 'E', 10**18), Prefix('peta', 'P', 10**15), Prefix('tera', 'T', 10**12), Prefix('giga', 'G', 10**9), Prefix('mega', 'M', 10**6), Prefix('kilo', 'k', 10**3), Prefix('hecto', 'h', 10**2), Prefix('deca', 'da', 10**1), NO_PREFIX, Prefix('deci', 'd', 10**-1), Prefix('centi', 'c', 10**-2), Prefix('milli', 'm', 10**-3), Prefix('micro', 'µ', 10**-6), Prefix('nano', 'n', 10**-9), Prefix('pico', 'p', 10**-12), Prefix('femto', 'f', 10**-15), Prefix('atto', 'a', 10**-18), Prefix('zepto', 'z', 10**-21), Prefix('yocto', 'y', 10**-24), ] r"""List with decimal prefixes. The entries in this list are of type :class:`Prefix`. ===== ====== ====== Name Symbol Factor ===== ====== ====== yotta Y 10\ :sup:`24` zetta Z 10\ :sup:`21` exa E 10\ :sup:`18` peta P 10\ :sup:`15` tera T 10\ :sup:`12` giga G 10\ :sup:`9` mega M 10\ :sup:`6` kilo k 10\ :sup:`3` hecto h 10\ :sup:`2` deca da 10\ :sup:`1` \ 1 deci d 10\ :sup:`-1` centi c 10\ :sup:`-2` milli m 10\ :sup:`-3` micro µ 10\ :sup:`-6` nano n 10\ :sup:`-9` pico p 10\ :sup:`-12` femto f 10\ :sup:`-15` atto a 10\ :sup:`-18` zepto z 10\ :sup:`-21` yocto y 10\ :sup:`-24` ===== ====== ====== """
[docs]def bin_prefix(value): """Get an appropriate binary prefix for an integer number. :param int value: the number :return: binary prefix :rtype: Prefix :raises TypeError: if value is not an integer """ check_type(value, int, 'value') if value == 0: return NO_PREFIX value = abs(value) for p in BINARY_PREFIXES: if value / p.factor >= 1.0: return p
[docs]def find_bin_prefix(s): """Find binary prefix for name or symbol. :param str s: name (case-insensitive) or symbol (case-sensitive) :return: binary prefix or ``None`` if not found :rtype: Prefix or None """ for p in BINARY_PREFIXES: if s.lower() == or s == p.symbol: return p
[docs]def format_bin_prefix(num_frmt, value, prefix=None): """Format a number with a binary prefix. >>> format_bin_prefix('.3f', 1024**2+1024) '1.001 Mi' >>> format_bin_prefix('.3f', 1024**2+1024, prefix='Gi') '0.001 Gi' :param str num_frmt: number format string as used with :func:`format` :param int value: the number :param prefix: can be a binary prefix object, name, or symbol :type prefix: Prefix or str :return: the result of ``value / prefix.factor`` formatted according to ``num_frmt`` with a space character and ``prefix.symbol`` appended :rtype: str :raises TypeError: if value is not an integer """ if prefix: check_type(value, int, 'value') if not isinstance(prefix, Prefix): prefix = find_bin_prefix(prefix) or NO_PREFIX else: prefix = bin_prefix(value) return format(value / prefix.factor, num_frmt) + ' ' + prefix.symbol
[docs]def dec_prefix(value, restricted=True): """Get an appropriate decimal prefix for a number. :param value: the number :type value: int or float :param bool restricted: if ``True`` only integer powers of 1000 are used, i.e. *hecto, deca, deci, centi* are skipped :return: decimal prefix :rtype: Prefix :raises TypeError: if value is not of type int or float """ check_type(value, (int, float), 'value') if value == 0: return NO_PREFIX value = abs(value) for p in DECIMAL_PREFIXES: if restricted and in ('hecto', 'deca', 'deci', 'centi'): continue if value / p.factor >= 1.0: return p return p
[docs]def find_dec_prefix(s): """Find decimal prefix for name or symbol. :param str s: name (case-insensitive) or symbol (case-sensitive); instead of the symbol ``µ`` the letter ``u`` can be used :return: decimal prefix or ``None`` if not found :rtype: Prefix or None """ if s == 'u': s = 'µ' for p in DECIMAL_PREFIXES: if s.lower() == or s == p.symbol: return p
[docs]def format_dec_prefix(num_frmt, value, prefix=None, restricted=True): """Format a number with a decimal prefix. >>> format_dec_prefix('.1f', 0.012) '12.0 m' >>> format_dec_prefix('.1f', 0.012, restricted=False) '1.2 c' :param str num_frmt: number format string as used with :func:`format` :param value: the number :type value: int or float :param prefix: can be a decimal prefix object, name, or symbol; instead of the symbol ``µ`` the letter ``u`` can be used :type prefix: Prefix or str :param bool restricted: if ``True`` only integer powers of 1000 are used, i.e. *hecto, deca, deci, centi* are skipped. Ignored if ``prefix`` is set. :return: the result of ``value / prefix.factor`` formatted according to ``num_frmt`` with a space character and ``prefix.symbol`` appended :rtype: str :raises TypeError: if value is not of type int or float """ if prefix: check_type(value, (int, float), 'value') if not isinstance(prefix, Prefix): prefix = find_dec_prefix(prefix) or NO_PREFIX else: prefix = dec_prefix(value, restricted) return format(value / prefix.factor, num_frmt) + ' ' + prefix.symbol
_TIMEDELTA_FRMT_RE = re.compile( r'%(?P<flag>[0 ]?)(?P<width>\d*)(?P<code>[DHMSs])') _TdFmtTuple = namedtuple('TdFmtTuple', 'text, flag, width, code') @lru_cache(maxsize=32) def _timedelta_format(fmt_str): replacements = [('%X', '%02H:%02M:%02S'), ('%Y', '%02H:%02M'), ('%Z', '%02M:%02S')] for s, r in replacements: fmt_str = fmt_str.replace(s, r) lst = [] pos = 0 units = ('s', 'S', 'M', 'H', 'D') max_unit = 's' for m in _TIMEDELTA_FRMT_RE.finditer(fmt_str): if m['width'] and int(m['width']) < 1: raise ValueError('width must be > 0') lst.append(_TdFmtTuple(fmt_str[pos:m.start()], m['flag'], m['width'], m['code'])) pos = m.end() max_unit = units[max(units.index(max_unit), units.index(m['code']))] lst.append(fmt_str[pos:]) return lst, max_unit
[docs]def format_timedelta(fmt_str, delta): """Format a time delta. The time delta is the difference between two points in time, e.g. a duration. The delta can be given in seconds as a :class:`int` or :class:`float`, or as a :class:`datetime.timedelta`. It must be >= 0. .. _ref-timedelta-format-specifiers: A format specifier starts with a ``'%'`` character followed by a flag (optional) and a number for the minimum field width (optional) followed by a format code. Supported flag: ======= ======= Flag Meaning ======= ======= ``'0'`` zero-padded ``' '`` space-padded (default except for ``'s'``) ======= ======= Supported format codes: ======= ======= Code Meaning ======= ======= ``'D'`` days as a decimal number ``'H'`` hours as a decimal number ``'M'`` minutes as a decimal number ``'S'`` seconds as a decimal number ``'s'`` microseconds as a decimal number ``'X'`` equal to ``%02H:%02M:%02S`` ``'Y'`` equal to ``%02H:%02M`` ``'Z'`` equal to ``%02M:%02S`` ======= ======= The codes ``'X', 'Y', 'Z'`` cannot be used with flags and field widths. If the field width for microseconds (code ``'s'``) is less than 6 it will be counted from the left. So ``'%3s'`` will get milliseconds. >>> format_timedelta('%03H:%M:%S.%06s', 90078.012345678) '025:1:18.012346' >>> format_timedelta('%03H:%M:%S.%05s', 90078.012345678) '025:1:18.01235' >>> format_timedelta('%03H:%M:%S.%04s', 90078.012345678) '025:1:18.0123' >>> format_timedelta('%Z.%03s', 3678.0123) '61:18.012' >>> format_timedelta('%M min %S sec %3s ms', 3678.0123) '61 min 18 sec 12 ms' :param str fmt_str: the format string :param delta: the time delta :type delta: int or float or datetime.timedelta :return: the formatted time delta :rtype: str :raises TypeError: if the given ``delta`` is not ``int, float or timedelta`` :raises ValueError: if the given ``delta`` is negative or ``width`` < 1 """ if isinstance(delta, (int, float)): delta = timedelta(seconds=delta) else: check_type(delta, timedelta, msg='delta must be int, float or datetime.timedelta') if delta.total_seconds() < 0: raise ValueError('delta < 0') fmt, max_unit = _timedelta_format(fmt_str) args = {'s': 0, 'S': 0, 'M': 0, 'H': 0, 'D': 0} if max_unit == 's': args['s'] = ((delta.days * 86_400 + delta.seconds) * 1_000_000 + delta.microseconds) else: args['s'] = delta.microseconds delta_rest = delta.seconds if max_unit == 'S': args['S'] = delta.days * 86_400 + delta_rest else: delta_rest, args['S'] = divmod(delta_rest, 60) if max_unit == 'M': args['M'] = delta.days * 1440 + delta_rest else: delta_rest, args['M'] = divmod(delta_rest, 60) if max_unit == 'H': args['H'] = delta.days * 24 + delta_rest else: args['H'] = delta_rest if max_unit == 'D': args['D'] = delta.days fmt_lst = [] for x in fmt: if isinstance(x, tuple): if x.code == 's' and max_unit != 's': e = (6 - int(x.width)) if x.width else 0 v = round(float(args['s']) / 10 ** e) if x.flag: v = f'%{x.flag}{x.width}d' % v s = f'{x.text}{v}' else: s = f'{x.text}%({x.code}){x.flag}{x.width}d' % args else: s = x fmt_lst.append(s) return ''.join(fmt_lst)
[docs]def parse_timedelta(string, fmt_str): """Parse a string as a time delta according to a format. The time delta is the difference between two points in time, e.g. a duration. .. note:: The :ref:`format specifier <ref-timedelta-format-specifiers>` ``'%s'`` for microseconds can only be used for strings that are the fractional part of a second. The string ``'1'`` is ``100000 µs``; but ``'000001'`` is ``1 µs``. >>> parse_timedelta('03:21.001', '%M:%02S.%s') datetime.timedelta(seconds=201, microseconds=1000) >>> str(_) '0:03:21.001000' :param str s: the string :param str fmt_str: string with :ref:`format specifiers <ref-timedelta-format-specifiers>` :return: timedelta object :rtype: datetime.timedelta :raises ValueError: if the string cannot be parsed """ fmt, _ = _timedelta_format(fmt_str) lst = [] for x in fmt: if isinstance(x, tuple): s = '%(text)s' if x.width and int(x.width) > 1: s += r'(?P<%(code)s>[ \d]{' + x.width + '})' else: s += r'(?P<%(code)s>\d+)' lst.append(s % x._asdict()) else: lst.append(x) m = re.fullmatch(''.join(lst), string) if m: args = {'s': 0, 'S': 0, 'M': 0, 'H': 0, 'D': 0} for k, v in m.groupdict().items(): if k == 's': s = v.lstrip() args[k] = round(int(s) * 10**(6 - len(s))) else: args[k] = int(v) return timedelta(days=args['D'], hours=args['H'], minutes=args['M'], seconds=args['S'], microseconds=args['s']) else: raise ValueError('time data %r does not match format %r' % (string, fmt_str))
[docs]def is_hexdigit(s): """Check if all characters are hexadecimal digits. :param str s: the string :return: ``True`` if all characters in the string are hexadecimal digits and there is at least one character :rtype: bool .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """ return bool(s) and all(x in string.hexdigits for x in s)
_DIGITS = tuple(map(str, range(10))) + tuple(string.ascii_lowercase)
[docs]def int2str(n, base): """Convert an integer to a string. For ``base > 10`` lower case letters are used for digits. See also the built-in functions :func:`bin`, :func:`oct`, :func:`hex`. :param int n: the integer :param int base: the base (``2 <= base <= 36``) :return: converted integer :rtype: str :raises TypeError: if ``n`` or ``base`` are not integers :raises ValueError: if ``base`` is outside the allowed range .. versionadded:: 0.7.0 """ check_type(n, int, 'n') check_type(base, int, 'base') if base < 2 or base > 36: raise ValueError('base must be >= 2 and <= 36') if base == 10: return str(n) s = '' if not n: return '0' sign = '-' if n < 0 else '' n = abs(n) while n > 0: n, r = divmod(n, base) s = _DIGITS[r] + s return sign + s
_SLUGIFY_CHAR_MAP = str.maketrans({' ': '-', '\t': '-', '\n': '-', "'": '-', 'ß': 'ss', 'æ': 'ae', 'œ': 'oe', 'ø': 'o', 'þ': 'th', 'ð': 'd'})
[docs]def slugify(s): """Slugify a string. In the created `slug <>`_ white space characters are replaced by dashes (``-``) and all consecutive dashes but one are eliminated. :param str s: the string :return: slugified string :rtype: str .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ s = s.lower().translate(_SLUGIFY_CHAR_MAP) s = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', s) s = re.sub(b'[^a-zA-Z0-9-]', b'', s.encode()).decode() s = re.sub('-+', '-', s).strip('-') return s
[docs]class TranslationTable: """TranslationTable class. This class is for use with :meth:`str.translate`. If a character is not in ``mapped_chars``, ``unmapped_chars``, or ``delete_chars`` a :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. See also: :meth:`str.maketrans`. :param mapped_chars: mapping from character to replacement string :type mapped_chars: dict(str, str) :param str unmapped_chars: string with characters that will not be replaced :param str delete_chars: string with characters that will be deleted :return: the resulting string :rtype: str :raises ValueError: if a character is not allowed .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ def __init__(self, mapped_chars, unmapped_chars='', delete_chars=''): self._mapped_chars = {ord(k): v for k, v in mapped_chars.items()} self._unmapped_chars = [ord(ch) for ch in unmapped_chars] self._delete_chars = [ord(ch) for ch in delete_chars] def __getitem__(self, n): if n in self._mapped_chars: return self._mapped_chars[n] if n in self._unmapped_chars: raise LookupError if n in self._delete_chars: return None raise ValueError('character "%s" (%d) is not allowed' % (chr(n), n))
[docs]def wlen(text): r"""Determine the number of columns a string actually occupies in a terminal. Though most characters need just one column there are characters that use zero (e.g. NULL) or two (e.g. Japanese) columns. The :func:`len` function counts the number of characters in a string. Examples:: >>> s1 = 'a\0b' >>> s2 = 'は日本' >>> len(s1) 3 >>> len(s2) 3 >>> print(s1) ab >>> print(s2) は日本 >>> wlen(s1) 2 >>> wlen(s2) 6 :param str text: the string :return: number of columns :rtype: int :raises ValueError: if length could not be determined .. versionadded:: 0.15.0 """ w = wcswidth(text) if w == -1: raise ValueError('length could not be determined') return w
[docs]def walign(text, width, fill=' ', align='center'): """Align a string even if not all characters occupy only one column\ in a terminal. The string methods :meth:``, :meth:`~str.ljust`, and :meth:`~str.rjust` only consider the number of characters when aligning a string. If a string contains characters that occupy zero or two columns (see :func:`wlen`) the result is wrong when displayed in a terminal:: s = 'abcde' w = 'は日本競馬' wlen(s) -> 5 wlen(w) -> 10, '.') -> 12 columns (correct), '.') -> 17 columns (wrong) walign(s, 12, '.', 'center') -> 12 columns (correct) walign(w, 12, '.', 'center') -> 12 columns (correct) :param str text: the string :param int width: number of columns wherein to align the string :param str fill: fill character :param str align: alignment (one of ``'center', 'left', 'right``) :return: aligned string (if ``wlen(text) >= width`` the original string is returned) :raises ValueError: if length could not be determined, ``align`` is unknown or ``wlen(fill) != 1`` .. versionadded:: 0.15.0 """ if wcswidth(fill) != 1: raise ValueError('wlen(fill) must be 1') if align not in ('center', 'left', 'right'): raise ValueError(f'unknown alignment {align!r}') w = wlen(text) if w >= width: return text d = width - w if align == 'center': return d // 2 * fill + text + (width - w - d // 2) * fill if align == 'left': return text + (width - w) * fill if align == 'right': return (width - w) * fill + text
[docs]def wshorten(text, width=80, placeholder='…', pos='right'): """Shorten the text to fit in the given width even if not all characters\ occupy only one column in a terminal. :param str text: the text :param int width: the width :param str placeholder: the placeholder :param str pos: position (``'left', 'middle', 'right'``) of placeholder in text :return: the shortened text (may be one character less then ``width``) :rtype: str :raises ValueError: if length could not be determined, ``width < wlen(placeholder)`` or ``pos`` is unknown .. versionadded:: 0.15.0 """ w = wlen(placeholder) if width < w: raise ValueError('width must be >= wlen(placeholder)') if pos not in ('left', 'right', 'middle'): raise ValueError(f'unknown pos: {pos}') if wlen(text) <= width: return text if pos == 'right': result = _slice(text, width - w) + placeholder elif pos == 'left': result = placeholder + _slice(text, -width + w) else: result = _slice(text, math.ceil((width - w) / 2)) + placeholder result += _slice(text, -width + wlen(result)) return result
def _slice(string, length): if not length: return '' if abs(length) >= wlen(string): return string if length < 0: s = list(reversed(string)) l = abs(length) else: s = string l = length for i, _ in enumerate(s, 1): if wlen(s[:i]) > l: result = s[:i - 1] break elif wlen(s[:i]) == l: result = s[:i] break if length < 0: return ''.join(reversed(result)) return result