Source code for typeconvs

r"""Converters from :class:`str` to another type.

These functions can be used for the ``type`` parameter in methods of
:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` and :class:`~argparsebuilder.ArgParseBuilder`
or similar use cases (if necessary in combination with

import locale
import re
from datetime import datetime, date, time
from importlib.resources import read_text
from operator import le, ge

__version__ = read_text(__package__, 'VERSION').strip()

__all__ = ['booleans', 'use_locale_default', 'bool_conv', 'int_conv',
           'float_conv', 'factor_conv', 'duration', 'datetime_conv',
           'date_conv', 'time_conv', 'range_conv', 'sequence']

use_locale_default = False
"""Default value for :func:`int_conv` and :func:`float_conv`
for parameter ``use_locale``."""

booleans = {
    'false': False,
    'f': False,
    'no': False,
    'n': False,
    '0': False,
    'off': False,
    'true': True,
    't': True,
    'yes': True,
    'y': True,
    '1': True,
    'on': True,
}  #: Mapping from strings to boolean values.

[docs]def bool_conv(string, *, values=None): """Convert a string to a boolean value. The ``string`` is converted to lower case before looking up the boolean value in ``values`` or :data:`booleans` (if ``values`` is ``None``). :param str string: input string :value dict: mapping from strings to booleans :return: converted value :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: if the string cannot be converted .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Renamed (old name: boolean) """ if values is None: values = booleans try: return values[string.lower()] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f'invalid boolean: {string!r}') from None
[docs]def int_conv(string, *, base=10, pred=None, use_locale=None): """Convert a string to an integer value. >>> import locale >>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'de_DE.UTF-8') 'de_DE.UTF-8' >>> int_conv('1.234', use_locale=True) 1234 >>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8') 'en_US.UTF-8' >>> int_conv('1,234', use_locale=True) 1234 >>> int_conv('-1', pred=lambda x: x > 0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid value: '-1' See :class:`int` for an explanation of parameter ``base``. :param str string: input string :param int base: base (>= 2 and <= 36, or 0) :param pred: predicate function :param use_locale: ``True`` use current locale; ``None`` use :data:`use_locale_default` :type use_locale: bool or None :return: converted value :rtype: int :raises ValueError: if the string cannot be converted """ if (use_locale if use_locale is not None else use_locale_default): string = locale.delocalize(string) x = int(string, base=base) if not pred or pred(x): return x raise ValueError(f'invalid value: {string!r}')
[docs]def float_conv(string, *, base=10, pred=None, use_locale=None): """Convert a string to a float value. :param str string: input string :param int base: base (>= 2 and <= 36, or 0) :param pred: predicate function :param use_locale: ``True`` use current locale; ``None`` use :data:`use_locale_default` :type use_locale: bool or None :return: converted value :rtype: float :raises ValueError: if the string cannot be converted """ if (use_locale if use_locale is not None else use_locale_default): string = locale.delocalize(string) if base != 10: if not (base == 0 or 2 <= base <= 36): raise ValueError('base must be >= 2 and <= 36, or 0') a, *b = string.rsplit('.', 1) try: if b: if base == 0: prefix = a[:2].lower() if prefix == '0b': devisor = 2**(len(b[0])) elif prefix == '0o': devisor = 8**(len(b[0])) elif prefix == '0x': devisor = 16**(len(b[0])) else: devisor = 1 else: prefix = '' devisor = base**(len(b[0])) frac = int(prefix + b[0], base=base) / devisor else: frac = 0.0 x = int(a, base=base) + frac except ValueError: raise ValueError( f'could not convert string to float: {string!r}') from None else: x = float(string) if not pred or pred(x): return x raise ValueError(f'invalid value: {string!r}')
[docs]def factor_conv(string, *, conv, factors): """Convert a string with a factor. The symbols from ``factors`` are compared to the end of ``string`` until one matches. The ``string`` is then shortend by the the length of the symbol and the rest converted with ``conv`` and multiplied by the factor that corresponds to the symbol. >>> factors = {'h': 3600, 'm': 60, 's': 1} >>> factor_conv('10m', conv=int, factors=factors) 600 :param str string: input string :param conv: converter function :param dict factors: mapping from symbol to factor :return: converted value :raises ValueError: if the string cannot be converted """ for sym in factors: if string.endswith(sym): if sym: return conv(string[:-len(sym)]) * factors[sym] else: return conv(string) * factors[sym] raise ValueError(f'invalid value: {string!r}')
[docs]def datetime_conv(string, *, format=None): """Convert a string to a :class:`datetime.datetime`. If ``format=None`` this function uses :meth:`datetime.datetime.fromisoformat` else :meth:`datetime.datetime.strptime`. :param str string: datetime string :param format: format string :type format: str or None :return: converted datetime :rtype: datetime.datetime :raises ValueError: if the string cannot be converted .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Renamed (old name: datetime) """ if format is None: return datetime.fromisoformat(string) else: return datetime.strptime(string, format)
[docs]def date_conv(string, *, format=None): """Convert a string to a class:``. If ``format=None`` this function uses :meth:`` else :meth:`datetime.datetime.strptime`. :param str string: date string :param format: format string :return: converted date :rtype: :raises ValueError: if the string cannot be converted .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Renamed (old name: date) """ if format is None: return date.fromisoformat(string) else: return datetime.strptime(string, format).date()
[docs]def time_conv(string, *, format=None): """Convert a string to a :class:`datetime.time`. If ``format=None`` this function uses :meth:`datetime.time.fromisoformat` else :meth:`datetime.datetime.strptime`. :param str string: time string :param format: format string :return: converted time :rtype: datetime.time :raises ValueError: if the string cannot be converted .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 Renamed (old name: time) """ if format is None: return time.fromisoformat(string) else: return datetime.strptime(string, format).time()
[docs]def duration(string, *, use_locale=None): """Convert duration string to seconds. Format: [[H:]M:]S[.f] See also: :func:`salmagundi.strings.parse_timedelta` :param str string: duration string :param use_locale: ``True`` use current locale; ``None`` use :data:`use_locale_default` :type use_locale: bool or None :return: converted duration :rtype: float :raises ValueError: if the string cannot be converted .. versionchanged:: 0.1.1 Add parameter ``use_locale`` """ h, m, s = 0, 0, 0 a = string.split(':') try: s = float_conv(a[-1], pred=lambda x: 0.0 <= x < 60.0, use_locale=use_locale) if len(a) >= 2: m = int_conv(a[-2], pred=lambda x: 0 <= x < 60) if len(a) == 3: h = int_conv(a[0], pred=lambda x: 0 <= x, use_locale=use_locale) if len(a) > 3: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise ValueError(f'invalid duration: {string!r}') return h * 3600.0 + m * 60.0 + s
_num_re = r'(?:\d(?:\.\d*)*)+' _range_re = (fr'^\s*(?P<start>[-+]?{_num_re})\s*%s\s*' fr'(?P<end>[-+]?{_num_re})' fr'(?:\s*/\s*(?P<step>[-+]?{_num_re}))?\s*$')
[docs]def range_conv(string, *, conv=None, separator='-'): """Convert a range string. Range string: '<start><separator><end>[/<step>]' (default: <step> = 1) >>> list(range_conv('-2-4')) [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4] >>> list(range_conv('-2-4/2')) [-2, 0, 2, 4] >>> list(range_conv('4--2/-2')) [4, 2, 0, -2] >>> list(range_conv('4..-2/-2', separator='..')) [4, 2, 0, -2] >>> from itertools import chain >>> list(chain.from_iterable(sequence('1, -2-4/2, 42', conv=range_conv))) [1, -2, 0, 2, 4, 42] :param str string: input string :param conv: converter function which returns an int or a float value (default: ``int``) :param str separator: separator between <start> and <end> :return: generator that yields converted values :raises ValueError: if the string cannot be converted .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 .. versionchanged:: 0.2.1 Add parameter ``separator`` """ if not conv: conv = int if m := re.match(_range_re % re.escape(separator), string): start = conv(m['start']) if not isinstance(start, (int, float)): raise ValueError('conv must return int or float') if m['step']: step = conv(m['step']) if not step: raise ValueError('step cannot be zero') else: step = 1 if isinstance(start, int) else 1.0 end = conv(m['end']) cmp = le if step > 0 else ge x = start while cmp(x, end): yield x x += step else: yield conv(string)
[docs]def sequence(string, *, conv=None, separator=','): """Convert a sequence string. >>> sequence('1, 2, 3', conv=float) (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) :param str string: input string :param conv: converter function :param str separator: separator between elements of sequence :return: generator that yields converted values :raises ValueError: if the string cannot be converted .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 """ for s in string.split(separator): yield conv(s)